sábado, 27 de novembro de 2010

In the nineteenth century....

In 1837 Queen Victoria came to the throne, aged 18. By the time of her death in 1901 London was a very different city. It had grown enormously due to industrial progress, population growth and the network of railways which had brought many parts of England within easy reach of the capital. In the Victorian era London was the centre of world trade and a powerful British empire. Better street lighting, sanitation, roads and transport gradually developed.

Docks and steamer

In the nineteenth century ships delivered goods to London from all over the Empire. Large docks were built to provide a safe place for them to anchor.
Shipbuilding was changed completely by the invention of the steam engine and iron ships. By 1860 London had the largest number of shipyards in the world.
Grand railway stations, such as Paddington, Euston and Cannon Street, were built at the centre of a network of railway lines going to different parts of Britain. They looked impressive to encourage people to travel by train.

Transport and building

Open trucks pulled by a steam engine

The coming of the railways changed London for ever. It meant that people could now commute to work from elsewhere. The first London underground railway is shown above. It opened in 1863 between Paddington and the City.
Much of present day London was built in Victorian times. Some buildings were very grand, such as the Houses of Parliament, rebuilt after a fire in 1834. Others were built for workers, in terraced rows.

Victorian slums
In Victorian London the poor were crowded into rotting houses, where they often starved or died of disease. Some of the worst-off were poor children. They were sent out from the age of four or five to make a few pennies by doing things like begging, pickpocketing and chimney sweeping.
Campaigners, such as the author Charles Dickens, shocked the public by writing about these things, and in 1870 a new law was passed which meant that ali children between the ages of 5 and 12 had to go to school.

in    Butterfield, Moira ,The Usborne Book of London

"A Christmas Carol" - Activities (2nd chapter)

1. What’s the right name?

Scrooge          Mr. Fezziwig         The First Ghost
a) ….. spent Christmas without any friends.
b) ….. ‘s party made everybody very happy.
c) ….. wanted to help Scooge.
d) ….. was more interested in money than in other people.
e) ….. took Scrooge to his past Christmas.
f) ….. was the man Scrooge had worked for.

2. Choose the correct answers:

• In the story, Christmas time means:

a) working hard
b) being with your family
c) writing
d) eating and drinking
e) dancing
f) sleeping a lot
g) playing music

"A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens (chapter two)

The First Ghost

The first ghost appeared at one o'clock in the morning, and opened the curtains round Scrooge's bed. The ghost was an old man with long, white hair. He wore a short, brilliant white dress with a bright belt and (a strange thing at Christmas!) summer flowers along the bottom. His arms and legs were bare, and in his hand he held a bunch of green holly.
‘I’m The Ghost of Christmas Past,' he said.
'Whose past?' asked Scrooge.
'Your past,' answered the ghost.
'What do you want?' asked Scrooge.
'To help you,' answered the ghost. 'Come'.
Scrooge got up from his bed. Together they flew through the wall and London disappeared. Scrooge saw they were looking at the place in the country where he had lived as a boy.
They saw many boys going home across the fields, happily shouting 'Merry Christmas' to each other. Then they saw Scrooge as a boy, reading on his own in an empty classroom.
Seeing himself as he had once been, Scrooge sat down at a desk and started to cry.
'l wish l'd given some money to that poor boy who sang Christmas songs to me yesterday,' said Scrooge.
The ghost smiled. 'Let's see another Christmas,' he said.
This time Scrooge saw the office where he had first worked. He saw Mr Fezziwig, the man he had worked for, and his wife. Young Scrooge was helping them prepare the office for a Christmas party. Soon there were many young people there. They were enjoying the dancing, the music and the food. Even he, Scrooge, was dancing and enjoying himself!
At the end of the party, Mr and Mrs Fezziwig said 'Merry Christmas' to everybody.
'l wish l'd said something to Bob Cratchit yesterday said Scrooge.
The ghost smiled again. 'Another Christmas,' he said.
Scrooge saw a beautiful woman smiling with her children in a warm home.
The door opened and the father came in, his arms full of Christmas presents. Scrooge looked at the woman; she had been his girlfriend when he was a young man! She had left him because he had been more interested in money than in her. Looking at the happy family, Scrooge understood what he had lost.
'No more!' shouted Scrooge sadly. 'Leave me, ghost!'
The first ghost disappeared, leaving Scrooge back in bed where he slept deeply.

terça-feira, 23 de novembro de 2010

Descobre o poema

Tenta descobrir o poema "escondido" desta quinzena.

Descobre o poema - Solução

O poema escondido era a primeira quadra de um poema de Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen:


Porque os outros se mascaram mas tu não
Porque os outros usam a virtude
Para comprar o que não tem perdão
Porque os outros têm medo mas tu não

Porque os outros são os túmulos caiados
Onde germina calada a podridão.
Porque os outros se calam mas tu não.

Porque os outros se compram e se vendem
E os seus gestos dão sempre dividendo.
Porque os outros são hábeis mas tu não.

Porque os outros vão à sombra dos abrigos
E tu vais de mãos dadas com os perigos.
Porque os outros calculam mas tu não.

O vencedor da última edição é…
                  ·  Francisco Rafael Batista Gouveia (12.ºA) 

segunda-feira, 22 de novembro de 2010

"A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens - Activities (chapter one)

Encontrarás na tua Biblioteca um impresso onde deverás registar as respostas destas actividades. Entrega o impresso, devidamente preenchido, na Biblioteca ou à tua professora de Inglês.

Chapter 1
1. What happened first? Put these sentences in the right order. Number them 1–10.

a) Scrooge hears the noise of a chain down below.
b) Bob Cratchit goes home.
c) Scrooge gives them nothing.
d) After Fred leaves, two men come into Scrooge's office.
e) Fred comes to visit him.
f) Scrooge doesn't give anything to the boy either.
g) The two men leave the room.
h) They ask him money for the poor.
i) He invites Scrooge to dinner.
j) Scrooge is in his office.

2. Who says what? Match the sentences with the characters.

The two men
Bob Cratchit

Sentences:a) "You don't mean it."
b) "Why are you merry?"
c) "They always need a little more."
d) "Christmas is only one day a year."
e) "I'm unhappy".

domingo, 21 de novembro de 2010

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens, the most popular writer of the Victorian age, was born near Portsmouth, England, in 1812 and died in Kent in 1870.

When his father was thrown into debtors’ prison, young Charles was taken out of school and forced to work in a shoe-polish factory, which may help explain the presence of so many abandoned and victimized children in his novels.

As a young man he worked as a reporter before starting his career as a fiction writer in 1833. In his novels, short stories and essays, Dickens combined hilarious comedy with a scathing criticism of the inhuman features of Victorian industrial society.
He is buried in Poet`s Corner in Westminster Abbey.

To know more about Charles Dickens:  http://clubeingles.wordpress.com/2010/11/18/1873/

sexta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2010

" A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens (chapter one)

Christmas Eve

It was Christmas Eve. London was very cold and foggy. Ebenezer Scrooge was working in his office. His secretary, Bob Cratchit, was writing letters in the next room, with a very small fire. Bob was very cold. Scrooge did not give Bob much wood for his fire because he did not like to spend money.
Scrooge did not like anything. He did not like the people in the streets or the people he worked with. He did not like eating good food or drinking nice drinks.
He especially hated Christmas.
Scrooge was an old man. He was very thin, with thin, white hair on his head and face. His lips were blue and his eyes were red.
He had worked in the same dark office for very many years. Once it had been the office of SCROOGE AND MARLEY, and those names were still on the door. But Jacob Marley had died seven years before and Scrooge worked on without him. Work was important. Work brought money, and Scrooge always wanted more money. So Scrooge worked hard, and made Bob Cratchit work hard, too.
Work, work, work!
'A Merry Christmas, uncle,' said Scrooge's nephew, Fred, coming into the cold, dark office.
'Bah!' replied Scrooge.'Humbug!' He really hated Christmas.
'Oh, come on, uncle,' said Fred. I'm sure you don't mean it.'
'l do,' answered Scrooge. 'Why are you merry? You're a poor man.'
'And why aren't you merry?' asked Fred. 'You're a very rich man. And it's Christmas!'
'Bah!' said Scrooge again. 'Humbug!'
'Please come to dinner with us tomorrow, uncle,' said Fred.
'Goodbye,' answered Scrooge.
'l don't want to be angry with you, uncle,' said Fred, 'so Merry Christmas.'
'Goodbye,' said Scrooge again.
Later two men came into Scrooge's office.
'Mr Scrooge? Mr Marley?' asked the first man, who had seen the names on the door.
'Mr Marley died seven years ago,' answered Scrooge.
'Mr Scrooge, then,' said the man. 'At Christmas, it's nice for everyone to give something to people who have nothing - no homes, no clothes, no food.'
'But there are hospitals and other places to help them,' said Scrooge.
There are,' replied the second man. 'But they always need a little more.'
'lt's not my problem,' said Scrooge. I've my work to worry about.'
The two men left.
Later a boy came to sing Christmas songs, but Scrooge sent him away.
When it was time to close the office, Bob Cratchit was excited about the holiday next day.
'l imagine you don't want to come to work tomorrow?' said Scrooge to Bob.
'No, sir, l don't,' he answered nervously.
'And you want me to give you money for the whole week?' asked Scrooge.
'Well, Christmas is only one day a year, sir,' replied Bob.
'You're still taking my money for nothing!' said Scrooge. 'Well, if you must, you must. But come to work earlier the morning after.'
That night when Scrooge was at home, he had a surprise visit. He had the sound of chains coming upstairs, and then Jacob Marley walked through his door.
“Marley” said Scrooge. “You´re dead! What do you want from me?”
“I´m a ghost” said Marley. “I´ve been travelling since I died.”
“Why?” asked Scrooge.
“Because I´m unhappy”, said Marley´s ghost. “I was very bad to people when I was alive, and I want to help you not to be unhappy like me when you die.”
“How?” asked Scrooge.
“You´ll be visited by three more ghosts”, answered Marley´s ghost.

quinta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2010

A terceira livraria mais bela no mundo

A Livraria Lello, do Porto, foi classificada pela editora australiana Lonely Planet como a terceira mais bela do mundo, num guia sobre locais a visitar em 2011.

                                                                                    fonte: jornal Público

sexta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2010

Plantar Portugal

O Município de Carregal do Sal aderiu à iniciativa “Plantar Portugal” cujo objectivo é a preservação da natureza, o uso racional dos recursos naturais e a sensibilização das populações na importância da conservação da floresta para as gerações actuais e futuras.

No âmbito deste movimento Carregal do Sal irá participar activamente na semana da reflorestação nacional que decorrerá de 23 a 28 de Novembro e conta com a participação de todos, desde os mais novos aos mais idosos.
Para mais informações, consulta  http://www.plantarportugal.org/

"A Christmas Carol" de Charles Dickens

As professoras de Inglês, em articulação com as Bibliotecas Escolares, vão dinamizar uma actividade que consiste na divulgação semanal de um capítulo de uma adaptação do conto de Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol", acompanhada sempre por uma pequena tarefa que terás de realizar.

Se nunca ouviste falar de Charles Dickens ou do seu conto de Natal podes ver esta breve apresentação do filme com o mesmo nome. Diverte-te!

sábado, 6 de novembro de 2010

História Colectiva Itinerante

Após "viajar" pelas escolas com 3ºciclo do nosso concelho, a história colectiva chega ao final.

Mas agora coloca-se o seguinte desafio: torna-se imperioso dar um título à mesma.
Deixa aqui a tua sugestão. Podes também deixar um comentário.


Concurso Nacional de Leitura

O Agrupamento de Escolas de Carregal do Sal decidiu aderir ao Concurso Nacional de Leitura, uma iniciativa do Plano Nacional de Leitura em articulação com a RTP, Direcção-Geral do Livro e das Bibliotecas e Rede de Bibliotecas Escolares. Pretende-se com esta iniciativa, promover a leitura e desenvolver o gosto pela mesma entre os alunos do 3.ºCiclo e do Ensino Secundário.

Aqui fica o Regulamento:

Concurso Nacional de Leitura 2010-2011- Regulamento

terça-feira, 2 de novembro de 2010

Descobre o poema

Tenta descobrir o poema "escondido" desta quinzena.

Descobre o poema - Solução

Eis a solução do poema da passada quinzena:

O poema escondido era a primeira quadra de um conhecido poema de Luís de Camões:
Amor é fogo que arde sem se ver;
É ferida que dói e não se sente;
É um contentamento descontente;
É dor que desatina sem doer;

É um não querer mais que bem querer;
É solitário andar por entre a gente;
É nunca contentar-se de contente;
É cuidar que se ganha em se perder;

É querer estar preso por vontade;
É servir a quem vence, o vencedor;
É ter com quem nos mata lealdade.

Mas como causar pode seu favor
Nos corações humanos amizade,
Se tão contrário a si é o mesmo Amor?

                           Luís de Camões

Os vencedores desta edição são…
·         Catarina Queirós (12.ºB)
·         Edgar Ribeiro (10.ºA)
·         Rita Marques (12.ºA)
·         Tiago Marques (12.ºB)